
Youtropolis Support



A pledge is a commitment to take an action that promises to create change in your life or another's. Pledges are the cornerstones of any transformative change because they create upper momentum in your life. When you post a pledge, your tribe and alliances will rally around to support you and hold your feet to the fire.

To cast a wider net of support, post your pledge to the Futures Exchange. Change is challenging. With pledges, change becomes collaborative, exciting, and fun, so you'll never have to go it alone!
Post your pledge!

What do you want to change in your life? Sometimes it's as simple as wanting to feel more positive or connected to others. Sometimes the change seems difficult, like healing a broken friendship or breaking through a glass ceiling. But change is always possible, especially when you make a pledge and set your intention on actively pursuing the change with the support of others.

No matter what kind of change you want to make, someone can help. Making a pledge is an act of  courage that demonstrates your capacity and willingness to change your life, or to support change in the lives of others in your community or around the world. Here are some simple examples of pledges:

  • I pledge to stop smoking
  • I pledge to stop bullying
  • I pledge to volunteer on…
  • I pledge to lower my carbon footprint
  • I pledge to learn something new at the community college
  • I pledge to give more compliments to others
  • I pledge to teach others how to be water-wise
  • I pledge to improve my golf swing
  • I pledge to stop being impatient with others
  • I pledge to help the Smith family during their challenging time

To make your pledge:

  • From your City's Welcome page or Tribe page, select Start something new here
  • Select your audience; check Trade Alliances and Futures Exchange to get sitewide support
  • Give your pledge a meaningful title that draws interested supporters (e.g., to stop bullying, to make peace, to read more, to smile more, to overcome an obstacle, to resist temptation)
  • Describe your pledge, giving others an idea of why this pledge matters to you
  • You may add a web link or embed a video from YouTube or Vimeo to support your pledge
  • Tag your pledge with descriptive words
  • Upload a photo that support your pledge, if desired
  • Click  Post