Municipal Fund Basics

Youtropolis Support

Municipal Fund Basics

Municipal Fund Basics

Your Municipal Fund is your city's financial hub that builds in value with every qualified action your take. It reflects your evolving power to be a liberator and attain liberation.
Claim your natural wealth

By nature we are all entrepreneurs. As children we traded with our classmates, negotiated favors with our parents, or bargained for extra credit from our teachers. Dealmaking has always been our springboard to liberation and success. Instinctively, we know that our power to gain something valuable lies in our power to give

The Municipal Fund is our fun, city-wide platform for social free trade. As the world's natural wealth disappears into the hands of a few, your city's Municipal Fund helps you rise up in the world through ongoing opportunities to trade your own natural resources with others. You'll bargain with your innate worth to increase your net worth–and raise your standing as a liberator.

As you claim your natural wealth by cultivating your seven most precious natural resources, you'll begin to experience positive changes in your life, and you'll possess a valuable portfolio of  tradable assets earned by taking actions in these "liberation" funds: 

  • Genius fund
  • Mover & Shaker fund 
  • Peacemaker fund
  • Philanthropist fund 
  • Philosopher fund 
  • Power Broker fund
  • Trailblazer fund 

To start taking actions in your city's Municipal Fund, select Municipal Fund under the 3 dot Manage menu and choose a fund.

Social free trade

If you wish you were lucky enough to enjoy endless abundance and "live off the fat of the land," it's time to become part of the social free trade movement.

  • Social free trade gives you the freedom to openly trade with your tribe and alliances and capitalize on their collective tradable resources.  
  • By "hunting and gathering" socially, you'll discover a wealth of diverse abundance, and a world of natural supply and demand at your disposal. Best of all, it's free!
  • Social free trade is about gaining steam and power from each other, and being avid consumers of each other's talents, ideas, generosity, wisdom, support, intuition, and goodwill.
  • By participating in the Municipal Fund's social free trade movement, you'll be a torch bearer for liberation and prosperity, and you'll enrich your life through the free exchange of gifts possessed by other Youtropolis liberators. It's what free trade should be all about.
  • To start trading your innate assets:
    • Sign in
    • Select the 3 dot menu above and choose Municipal Fund 
    • Click on any of the seven Liberation Funds
    • Take an action!
Your social impact

The Municipal Fund gives you daily opportunities to shift your life and the lives of others. By staking your claim economically and building trade alliances around the world, you'll be reshaping the world into one where cultural barriers diminish and global stability is strengthened. 

The Municipal Fund bends the world toward goodness by creating more:

  • conversation
  • collaboration
  • self-fulfillment
  • opportunity
  • prosperity
  • security
  • personal liberation
  • love
  • peace