Make Radical Change

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Make Radical Change

Make Radical Change

All about the Weconomy and your city's Municipal Fund
What is the Weconomy?

Everyone deserves a fair shake in life. Yet, around the world, people are struggling to make it. The old ladders to success have been discarded, the brass rings have been tarnished, and too many pockets have gone empty. Instead, 1% of the world's population has grabbed the majority of the world's wealth, and they aren't sharing. 

It's time to participate in economic rebellion

Our Weconomy offers a people-centered, alternative ecosystem of exchange and reward that's built on the simple truth that extraordinary power is personally achievable through people, not money. Only people can value you, money can't. 

Our Weconomy adds the "we" back into the economy, giving you a revolutionary path to liberation that engages you in social interactions designed to build your economic might and bring you to power.

How it works
  • Our Weconomy thrives on love. Ninety nine percent of people value love over money, making it the world's most powerful currency.  Love is exchangeable, sustainable, and renewable, so the supply is always high, and because it's highly desirable, it's never in short demand. 
  • Love is our Weconomy's currency and its bottom line. When you give love through the actions you take, your city exponentially expands--as does your city's Municipal Fund.
  • When you sign up, your Municipal Fund opens, giving you a portfolio of seven natural resources to cultivate and grow. As these natural resources emerge through the actions you take, your new land of opportunity grows into it's own powerful city–the city of You
  • Whether you act to form new alliances, build your city's population, collaborate on new opportunities, share news, or uplift those in need, your actions also expand your city's Weconomy while promoting your success in the world.
How you benefit

The Weconomy provides a new platform for personal liberation and growth through the cultivation and management of your city's Municipal Fund portfolio of assets. Here's how:

  • Through your Genius Fund, you'll establish a distinct city culture to raise awareness of who you are, what you're about, and what you have to offer the world, giving other liberators incentives to trade with you. 
  • Through your Mover & Shaker fund, you'll grow your social safety net and trade alliances by connecting with other liberators who will invest time and energy in fulfilling your wishes and pledges to move you closer to your dreams.
  • Through your Peacemaker Fund, you'll contribute to peace in the world and negotiate peace in your own life by managing your instincts and accessing intuitive powers that promote success in all areas of life. 
  • Through your Philanthropist Fund, you'll develop an altruistic spirit by sharing your love and wisdom to help those in need rise up to overcome personal challenges and barriers to success.
  • Through your Philosopher Fund, you'll share your news, thoughts, and sentiments to promote goodwill, wellbeing, and happiness to reflect the heart and soul of your city. 
  • Through your Power Broker Fund, you'll help others climb the ladder of success through seeding your own wisdom and knowledge and imparting it to others through your city's U of You.
  • Through your Trailblazer Fund, you'll travel to new lands of opportunity where you'll meet new people, explore unique cities, and form powerful trade alliances with other dynamic liberators.
Claim your natural wealth

By nature we are all entrepreneurs. As children we traded with our classmates, negotiated favors with our parents, or bargained for extra credit from our teachers. Dealmaking has always been our springboard to liberation and success. Instinctively, we know that our power to gain something valuable lies in our power to give

The Municipal Fund is our fun, city-wide platform for social free trade. As the world's natural wealth disappears into the hands of a few, your city's Municipal Fund helps you rise up in the world through ongoing opportunities to trade your own natural resources with others. You'll bargain with your innate worth to increase your net worth–and raise your standing as a liberator.

As you claim your natural wealth by cultivating your seven most precious natural resources, you'll begin to experience positive changes in your life, and you'll possess a valuable portfolio of  tradable assets earned by taking actions in these "liberation" funds: 

  • Genius fund
  • Mover & Shaker fund 
  • Peacemaker fund
  • Philanthropist fund 
  • Philosopher fund 
  • Power Broker fund
  • Trailblazer fund 

To start taking actions in your city's Municipal Fund, select Municipal Fund under the 3 dot Manage menu and choose a fund.

Social free trade

If you wish you were lucky enough to enjoy endless abundance and "live off the fat of the land," it's time to become part of the social free trade movement.

  • Social free trade gives you the freedom to openly trade with your tribe and alliances and capitalize on their collective tradable resources.  
  • By "hunting and gathering" socially, you'll discover a wealth of diverse abundance, and a world of natural supply and demand at your disposal. Best of all, it's free!
  • Social free trade is about gaining steam and power from each other, and being avid consumers of each other's talents, ideas, generosity, wisdom, support, intuition, and goodwill.
  • By participating in the Municipal Fund's social free trade movement, you'll be a torch bearer for liberation and prosperity, and you'll enrich your life through the free exchange of gifts possessed by other Youtropolis liberators. It's what free trade should be all about.
  • To start trading your innate assets:
    • Sign in
    • Select the 3 dot menu above and choose Municipal Fund 
    • Click on any of the seven Liberation Funds
    • Take an action!
Your social impact

The Municipal Fund gives you daily opportunities to shift your life and the lives of others. By staking your claim economically and building trade alliances around the world, you'll be reshaping the world into one where cultural barriers diminish and global stability is strengthened. 

The Municipal Fund bends the world toward goodness by creating more:

  • conversation
  • collaboration
  • self-fulfillment
  • opportunity
  • prosperity
  • security
  • personal liberation
  • love
  • peace
Your payment schedule

Kindreds are deposited directly into your city's Municipal Fund:

  • whenever you take an action in any of your seven Liberation Funds
  • when anyone awards kindreds to you in the fund of their choice
  • when others post to your Younited Front or comment on your posts
  • when you earn special dividends based on achieving monthly benchmarks

To see how much you can earn based on the type of action you take: 

  • Select Municipal Fund under the 3 dot Manage menu 
  • Click the Payment Schedule link


Your earnings to date

Your current blance and earnings to date table allows you to:

  • check your current kindreds balance in each of your seven Liberation Funds
  • view the amount of kindreds you've earned to date in each of your Liberation Funds

The difference between the two amounts reflects the amount in each category that you have contributed to others. 

To view your current balance and earnings to date:

  • Select Municipal Fund under the 3 dot Manage menu 
  • Click the Current balance link 
Your earnings history

Your transaction page provides an ongoing detailed record of your earnings. It includes a listing of:

  • the amount of kindreds earned for each action taken
  • the date the kindreds were earned
  • the specific action taken that earned the kindreds
  • the Liberation Fund into which the kindreds earned were deposited  

To view your transaction detail:

  • Select Municipal Fund under the 3 dot Manage menu
  • Click the Transactions link
Earn dividends!

If you are displaying heroic efforts to liberate yourself or others through Municipal Fund activities, Youtropolis will deposit a Municipal Fund dividend into your Philanthropist Liberation Fund every month! 

To qualify for your dividend, just earn 2500 kindreds during a calendar month through the actions you take.

Earning a dividend is also a great way to reward your city tribe. For every dividend you earn, each tribe member also benefits, earning their own special dividend for contributing to your city's liberation goals. When you profit, they profit–a perfect way to thank them and keep them engaged in your activities.

You'll receive a larger dividend whenever any of your trade alliances earn 2500 kindreds during a calendar month. It's our way of respecting you for going the extra mile to invest in someone else's success.

The amount of your dividend will be calculated as follows:

  • when you earn 2500 kindreds during a calendar month, you'll receive a 250 kindred dividend
  • when any of your trade alliances earn 2500 kindreds during a calendar month, you'll receive an additional 250 kindreds
  • when you earn 2500 kindreds during a calendar month, each member of your tribe will also receive 250 kindreds
  • your total dividend will be 10% of the sum total of each growth increment of 2500 kindreds earned by you and your trade alliances for the previous calendar month combined (e.g., if you earned 2500 kindreds during the calendar month , and two of your trade alliances earned 2500 during the same period, the total dividend you will earn will be 10% of 7500 kindreds which equals 750 kindreds
  • earned dividend amounts are excluded from growth calculations
  • only kindreds earned through your Municipal Fund are included into the dividend calculation, therefore kindreds awarded to you by other city founders are excluded from dividend calculations

Whenever you receive a dividend, you will be notified via email.