Get to know your city

Youtropolis Support

Get to know your city

Get to know your city

Cities have always reflected our human drive to rise higher and higher. As traditional cities continue to build taller structures to mirror this drive, Youtropolis puts that drive to work in your city through a collaborative society that enables you to rise to your highest potential, or help others do the same.

Below are some tutorials on the basics of turning your city into a force for positive change. You can also select "Guide to my City", located under your "My City" menu, to get a quick tour of your city, its landmarks, and the powerful actions you can take.
How your city welcome sign works

Once you select your city's seal, the center region of your city welcome page will display a distinct welcome sign based on the seal you chose.

  • In the center of the sign, your city name is displayed with your motto beneath it
  • The year displayed reflects the year that you registered and founded your city
  • The population number increases as new tribe members  join in to collaborate with you
Your Civic Center

On desktop, you'll find your Civic Center on the left side of your city and profile pages.

On mobile, Civic Center icons are shown beneath your city Welcome sign.

Civic Center icons provide easy access to conducting your city's business:

  • Select Profile to edit profile content or upload a new profile image
  • Select Call to Action to review or edit its message
  • Select History to see stats such as your population growth and recent visitors to your city
  • Select Create Message to send a message to any other Youtropolis liberator
  • Select Send a Postcard to invite others to your city or send a greeting card

When visitors travel to your city, your Civic Center allows them to:

  • View your Founder Profile
  • Read your Call to Action
  • Join your tribe
  • Send you a private message
City landmarks

Located beneath your city's masthead is your landmark scroller featuring your city's landmarks. Each landmark icon within the scroller navigates to its own page of unique content generated by you: your you-factor progress, news, polls, pledges, wishes, amusements, lessons, events, and gifts.

Your landmarks are genuine points of interest to city visitors who by nature are curious tourists eager to discover more about you and the city you've created. The more posts you add to your landmarks, the more interesting your city will be, giving visitors genuine insight into your heart, your soul, and your world.

To post into any of your landmarks posts:

  • Sign in
  • Select the desired landmark by scrolling through the landmark icons
  • Click/tap the red word that appears in the landmark's introductory headline (when there are no current posts)
  • On the post form, select the About road sign  to learn more about the landmark
  • Fill in the form by selecting your audience first, adding title, post content, and tags
  • Add images if desired, then click/tap Post to add your post to the landmark page
  • Once you begin to post content, the headline will disappear and the page will display a "create new post" link above the posted teasers
  • When you add a new post, you'll navigate to your post page

You can also post new content to each landmark by opening your City hub from your city welcome page and tribe page.

City hub: Start something new…and let your liberation begin

On Youtropolis, jumping right into the action is the best way to learn your way around and discover how to get the most out of your experience as a liberator. Your city hub, located on your city home page and tribe page, is the place to start.

Click "Take a new action!" to choose the action you'd like to take. Your city hub contains powerful actions designed to heal the world one small action at a time.

You can post:

  • actionable newsflashes to your city News page
  • important wishes that need fulfilling to your Wishing Well
  • knowledge or lessons learned to share in your U of You, and
  • group activities or events to your Event calendar

We help you reach a larger audience by promoting your posts to our Universal Landmarks as shown in images below, or by allowing you to share to other social media. But if you'd rather limit sharing to your tribe, just uncheck the audiences you want to exclude.

Through your city hub, you can also choose to:

  • receive insight into personal matters through creating Tribal Wave polls
  • make a pledge to change a condition in your life or in the world
  • uplift your tribe by adding something fun to your Amusement Park  

Every action you take reveals the kind of liberator you are and the kind of city you've founded.

Since love matters deeply, your hub always allows you to help others, too. From your hub, select "Respond to polls, pledges, & wishes" and you'll be helping others by giving some love, support, or insight in response to meeting their needs. Another way to meet needs is to add items to your city's Recycle Bin that someone in need might value.

For every action you take, you'll earn valuable kindreds that quickly increase your city's weconomy and raise your stature as a liberator. So jump into action and see how quickly your city grows.

City seal

Your city seal not only represents your city's character, it represents one of Youtropolis' seven sitewide City Districts where other liberators gather to dialog and learn about how to liberate themselves and others in different areas of life.

On mobile:

  • Your City seal is displayed on your city's welcome page beneath the Welcome sign

On desktop:

  • Your City seal is displayed on your city's welcome page and profile pages in the upper right column

To see what's happening in your district:

  • Mouse over your City seal icon, tap or click
  • Select a topic of interest on the District page
  • Start reading
  • As an option, you may respond to the topic or start a new topic if you are signed in
  • You may also participate in any other City District by selecting a different City District icon in the district scroller

If you haven't yet chosen a city seal, it will not appear on your city's welcome or profile pages. To add a seal:

  • Select the 3 dot Manage menu on the upper right 
  • Choose Profile
  • Select the Edit Profile link
  • Choose City seal in the menu on the left
  • Mouse over each seal to learn about its character
  • Select the seal that most represents you
  • Click Save
Bridge Builder

If you've added a Call to Action to your city's profile and tagged it, Bridge Builder intelligently finds and matches you with potential new allies and kindred spirits based on how you tagged your city's Call to Action.

By suggesting like-minded liberators whose ideals or goals match yours, Bridge Builder gives you the opportunity to join new, relatable tribes and invite them join yours, increasing the strength of your social safety net.

To discover who's in your Bridge Builder:

  • Select the 3 dot manage menu above
  • Choose Bridge Builder

If there are no matches yet:

  • Click/tap Call to Action
  • Enter descriptive tags into the form's tag field
  • Click/tap Save