Youtropolis Support

City landmarks

Located beneath your city's masthead is your landmark scroller featuring your city's landmarks. Each landmark icon within the scroller navigates to its own page of unique content generated by you: your you-factor progress, news, polls, pledges, wishes, amusements, lessons, events, and gifts.

Your landmarks are genuine points of interest to city visitors who by nature are curious tourists eager to discover more about you and the city you've created. The more posts you add to your landmarks, the more interesting your city will be, giving visitors genuine insight into your heart, your soul, and your world.

To post into any of your landmarks posts:

  • Sign in
  • Select the desired landmark by scrolling through the landmark icons
  • Click/tap the red word that appears in the landmark's introductory headline (when there are no current posts)
  • On the post form, select the About road sign  to learn more about the landmark
  • Fill in the form by selecting your audience first, adding title, post content, and tags
  • Add images if desired, then click/tap Post to add your post to the landmark page
  • Once you begin to post content, the headline will disappear and the page will display a "create new post" link above the posted teasers
  • When you add a new post, you'll navigate to your post page

You can also post new content to each landmark by opening your City hub from your city welcome page and tribe page.