Patience and hope

Younited Front Pledge

Today as I watched the funeral of Jimmy Carter I couldn’t help but wonder what the future will bring. DJT will be sworn in soon and has already threatened peaceful neighbors and allies. He leaves his love interest in VP alone. It makes one wonder.
However I have decided that I will try to find the best our current situation has to offer rather than look on the dark side.
Hope & Peace must prevail


Thanks for having the strength to look toward the light of hope and peace during these uncertain times. I will also pledge to find the strength to do the same. Kindness and love must prevail.


I support your pledge and think it's wise. It's also a small comfort that the Supreme Court has allowed DJT's sentencing to proceed tomorrow. Now he will have to wear his scarlet letter for the rest of his presidency/life. It's a little bit of light shining through. Let's hope there will be more light to look at.

Well Street

Though we're wired to be hyperaware of threats to our safety and well-being (like an incoming administration), focusing on what's going right in our lives and the world benefits our mental and physical health.

It's said that those who live optimistically and expectant of good fortune tend to attract just that. Let's give it a try.


Like most of us, it's likely you're finding it extra difficult to stick by your pledge to find the best in the current situation. If you need any help in that, try to focus on the lower courts who are taking Trump to task and doing their job in upholding the law despite what he and Musk want, and FBI personnel who are united in using their knowledge to fight back against the felon.