News Flash

This California school district is banning cell phones on all its campuses for students. But will it work?


I'm waiting to see if it actually happens. You can pass something, but actually being able to enact and enforce it is another story. Kids and their parents run the schools these days. The days of teachers and administration being in charge are long gone. It'll be interesting, that's for sure.


I do believe enforcement will be very difficult but I too am eager to see how this works out!

Well Street

This is a well-intentioned measure, and I wish it were realistic. Do we know if kids will turn their phones over to administrators while on campus? If it's an honor system-type program where students keep their phones but hopefully won't use them, then it will be DOA.

This reminds me of the gym I worked for that had a no-cell phone policy. Many members scoffed at the rule because they faced no consequences for breaking it, so they chatted away while "working out."
At one point, the gym considered installing a "dampening field" that would block cellular reception in the gym. Their legal team, however, said that would result in countless lawsuits.


It will definitely be interesting to see exactly how enforcement is implemented. I'll be curious to know if it'll be a uniform style of enforcement on all campuses or whether each school will be responsible for coming up with its own enforcement policy?


I don't know. I remember not being allowed to chew gum in school, or smoke, and to make matters worse, I had to wear a uniform. No one complained about civil liberties then. But I'd ask how is this any different from disallowing kids to smoke at school?

When I was in high school, they put together a school assembly to show us a video of how damaging smoking was to the lungs. In the video they cut open a lung and poured out what seemed like a gallon of tar and nicotine. What they should do today by comparison is teach them about the amount of radiation they're being exposed to and the related rise in brain tumors from putting the phone up to your head. This warning actually comes with all iPhones. Then there's vertigo and hearing loss from earbuds in addition to radiation.


That would certainly be a unique approach. I wonder whether it would work? Kids (like so many of us) are so addicted to their devices these days. I'll definitely be curious to see how they enforce this.