Civic Center
Be aware of others

For the last six months we have been traveling 8 hours back and forth to help my sister-in-law during her terminal battle with cancer. She lost that battle the day before our vacation started. She had made us promise we wouldn’t interrupt our vacation for her. She said she would see us on our way home. When we left her for the last time we knew that we would never see her again. The loss will always be a great one but it was her time . Today as we arrived at the beach we took a deep breath and said we just need to relax. While sitting in the hot tub we were talking with another patron at the hotel. He & his wife retired last October. Since that time their son was killed by his ex-girlfriend (and mother of his baby)’s new boyfriend. After a long court battle they adopted their son’s child. The last six months their time was in court for the murder trial and the adoption as well as a funeral for their 30 year old son.
I walked away thinking oh my god what they have been thru. I couldn’t imagine it. He volunteered this information which led me to believe this is how he copes with everything. The little 18month girl was so sweet and full of energy.
If someone starts to tell you their story let them. You don’t have to share your pain or story because letting someone else share theirs often eases yours.
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Well Street
Thank you for sharing this powerful message.
I'm sure the impact you felt from this man's harrowing experience can't be overstated. Likely, the attention and presence you gave him was a step in his healing process.
This is such a moving piece. Both situations you mention are heartbreaking.
I’m so sorry for the loss of your sister-in-law and the suffering she must have endured. Your recovery from the pain you all experienced during that time will no doubt take time. Know that you’re being held in the hearts of many.
When you spoke of your pool encounter, I got chills. Your words were so profound, and I just knew the Universe or God or the Supreme Power or whatever keeps our world turning brought you together at that moment in time. And your statement, “You don’t have to share your pain or story because letting someone else share theirs often eases yours,” was so powerful.
Thank you.
I’m so sorry for what you both have been through. From the first sentence you wrote, my mind kept saying,“There but for the grace of God go I,” until you arrived at the beach and took your deep breath. I could only imagine your exhaustion, which I am sure you are still feeling. My heart goes out to your whole family.
In some strange way, call it divine timing, your experience in the hot tub was meant to be. What are the chances of encountering a couple in the same tub and same space and time who’d just been through a devastating, unfathomable tragedy? The chance meeting and the story you heard not only eased your pain, but left you with a memorable piece of wisdom you’ve now shared with all of us.
In a world where too many people reject others for being Debbie Downers, you’ve reminded us there’s a gift in listening to the woes and suffering of others. If we all practice your truth, the crisis of loneliness may start to erode.
Thank you for beautifully sharing a profound and meaningful experience that most people would have missed or ignored.
Thank you for reminding us that the tragedies that others face are often meant to put our own trials and tribulations into perspective.
So many things happen to people. I've heard some of the most horrible and sad things. I often wonder how do people keep going after such tragedies. And yet they do.
Your story is wonderful. I'm sorry about your sister-in-law. That must be so painful. You were great to listen to the story of that couple. I can't even imagine losing one of my sons, and to a murder no less.
You're right about listening to people when they have a need to share. It's often very cathartic.
Thanks again for sharing this story.
Tin Cup
wow, a very strong message, Thank you.
Just shows that moment in time was perfect for both of you to help you on your way to healing your hearts. The Universe in my experience always has perfect timing and a message to be told.. You just need to listen. Good for you to stop and listen .Good for you !
Keeping your heart open brings many unexpected treasures.