Civic Center
A drop in grocery prices

I'm tired of being a victim of corporate greed, and I refuse to feel powerless. Now I'm conscientiously value shopping, looking for like items at lower prices. As examples, Trader Joe's has a large sourdough loaf for $2.99, and the drive-thru dairy has milk for $3.00, so those are the places I get my bread and milk. I want to reward the places that have decent prices and send a message to others that they're not getting my money. Value shopping, switching brands, changing markets, whatever it takes. People have power, we just have to exercise it.
What are some of your ideas on how to take our power back?
Wilsons Grave
Maybe one way to fight back is to share the truth about why we're paying higher prices.
According to this expert being grilled by U.S Representative Katie Porter, over half of the increased prices people are paying come from increases in corporate profits.
Well Street
I've either been switching to lower-priced brands or simply no longer buying the product.
It's hard with the higher prices. I honestly don't know how people with big families manage.