Youtropolis Support

Publicize your city

When you first register, your city is publicized on Youtropolis' Universe News. This brief announcement, which includes your name, city name, and motto, will inform Youtropolis news watchers about the founding of your city. Your city will also be searchable under Cities. It's our way of helping you draw tourists and build a following.

In addition, you may promote your city on any of your favorite social networks. Here's how:

  • Select the 3 dot Manage menu above
  • Choose Profile
  • Select the Edit Profile link
  • Choose Promote in the menu on the left
  • Mouse over the Share button under Go the extra mile! and select any social network 
  • Fill in the form that pops up in a window
  • Click Save

If you wish to temporarily unpublish your city:

  • Select Don't reveal my city at this time

To republish your city:

  • Select Open your city and publish it...