Civic Center
Move into a more positive world

It’s been said that everything in the world has its positive and negative side. On the up side, social media brought us a new way to socialize, gain influence, and even impact the world. But since algorithms evolved to keep us scrolling, it’s become an albatross around our neck—impossible to shed, despite learning how it harms us.
As democracies around the world face the severe consequences of polarizing algorithms, people face more vitriol, hatred and threats online and off, widening the divide between us and deepening our insecurities.
Youtropolis is built on the faith that we need to do more than connect with each other. We need to help each other thrive so that societies survive.
Our reimagined user experience is driven by our unique, goal-oriented safety net that crowdsources the best in everyone to promote your well-being and secure a safer future for us all.
Our algorithm sorts posts based on timelines with most recents first. This way you’ll never miss an important wish, pledge, poll, or lesson shared. And because you’re the best arbiter of what interests you, we use tags and our bridge builder tool to facilitate your searches. This way you decide what topics to search for and view, which cities to form alliances with, and which people to invite into your tribe.
We don’t feed you ads or mix them into your social space. Nor do we use marketing cookies to track you around the web. What you do elsewhere is your business, not ours.
Most of all, since your city's a reflection of you, we let you fill it up with the good you want to share, the positivity you want to create, and the love you hope to give others. It’s your city, after all.
That's our pledge to you.