What's Getting Into Your Brain?

News Flash

Surprise! New research may give "neuroplasticity" a whole new troubling meaning. Read more here in The Guardian.

Well Street

I'll be curious to learn what impact the Canadian regulations have on the manufacture of plastics. No surprise that Dow Chemical and other plastics powerhouses teamed up to try and eliminate them.

I shudder to think about the numerous health implications our daily plastic consumption holds, and how the healthcare system is going to handle it.


I'm surprised we don't all suffer from migraines or worse. It's scary because there's little choice in how things are packaged. Just try to find bottled water in glass bottles; no can do, and meat used to be wrapped in paper; that's no longer the case. Maybe going back to some of the "old" ways of doing things should be taken into consideration.


According to the Center for Biological Diversity, a recent study found that a quarter of fish at markets in California contained plastic in their guts, mostly in the form of plastic microfibers.

If you'd like to learn more about how you can help put an end to plastics pollution, here's an organization that's trying to do something about it: