Stop Discussing It. Start Fixing It.

News Flash

A lot is changing in our vast world. The butterfly effect is all over us, affecting every neighborhood, every family, even children who may see their grandparents deported, a wheelchair-bound sibling lose access to life-saving medicine, a parent lose their job.

There are things we can do if we care to. There’s a lot we can do, and should do, especially if we reject the harms that are being unleashed on members of our communities. Idly worrying and complaining about what’s going on is not good citizenship. Taking powerful action is. Giving love is.

In this editorial, Texas pediatrician, Seema Jilani, is full of suggestions on how to ease your angst and put it to work to benefit those who are in the line of fire and truly suffering. Read more in The Guardian.


Being a doctor in a red state is dangerous work. If they save the wrong person from dying, they face prison. Dr. Jilani is very brave for speaking the truth.

If the opinionated liberal elite put their money and actions where their mouth is, they could actually change the course of this newly accepted brutality on the poor and unrepresented. Time for the pontificating to end and action to begin.

Thanks for posting.

Well Street

The good doctor came out swinging and has provided the wealthy progressives a blueprint to create cracks in the administration's wrecking ball. Taking such actions, however, would likely draw the attention and ire of the White House, something that most liberal elites want to avoid.

Hopefully there are some with courage and risk tolerance that will make a stand.


Elites aren't activists. They will host fundraisers for favorite politicians and write big checks to get them elected. Maybe they'll do philanthropy to feel benevolent and get a tax deduction. That's about it. What might bring them out of their gated communities or off their yachts to follow the author's suggestions? Only anger compels a person to fight injustice at the street level. The elite don't feel injustice. They will stay home and make more money.