Civic Center
Should You Stay Home If You Have Covid?

Several days ago, a 63-year-old man died aboard an international Lufthansa flight from Hong Kong to Munich. According to witnesses, the man appeared unwell when he boarded the plane and became progressively ill after takeoff. One passenger sitting behind him, watched in horror as “liters of blood” gushed from his nose and mouth before he died in his seat. It’s unclear what caused his death, but what if he had a deadly virus such as Ebola?
It’s estimated that 75% of people will hide their illness and risk exposing others for fear of missing out especially on social events, according to a recent study. If you’re one of those people, you should think twice.
Coronavirus is still killing more than 1000 people per week in this country alone. It shouldn’t be compared to the common cold or dismissed as harmless. It remains a life-threatening danger.
If you feel sick but decide to ditch the mask because you don’t feel that sick, you’re still putting others at risk. But should you stay home, or is it safe to jump back into a crowd so you don’t miss out on the fun or days of work?
Read what the experts advise here in USA TODAY.
This is great advice and one that we should all heed. It seems like a matter of selfishness to feel sick and still take the chance of exposing others, even if it's not a deadly virus. No one wants to be sick, even with a simple cold.
I agree 100%!
The article says to stay home for 5 days then wear a mask for 5 days. I still tested positive at 10 days, so To protect others, I would recommend wearing a mask until you don't test positive. It's the considerate thing to do.
Well Street
Sadly, as the article points out, the Western cultural ethos to "suck it up" when sick and get back to being productive has returned.
It seems that the "You can rest when you're dead" sentiment will always be a part of our society, pausing only temporarily during a deadly pandemic.
Yes, our browbeating culture is definitely making us sick if not outright killing us. Maybe that will change once AI puts us all into permanent stay at home, vacation mode.