Civic Center
Notable Quotable: Getting Back To Peace

War is always about power and spoils. It is never about you or me, or who we lose. It is about them, and what they gain. If you need to reconnect with the ideal of peace, here are five quotes to meditate on:
1. Real disarmament cannot come until the nations of the world cease to exploit one another.
–Mohandas K. Gandhi
2. True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice.
–Martin Luther King
3. They pass peaceful lives those who ignore mine and thine.
–Publius Syrus
4. I think people want peace so much that one of these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it.
–Dwight D. Eisenhower
5. Peace is people talking together with a heart between them.
–Anonymous American eight-year-old child
Missiles are flying, destroying, and killing every day. It's a news item to us, but to hundreds of thousands of people, it's their life. Leaders know what peace is, and they know how to achieve it, but for some leaders, war keeps them in office. For others, it gets them into office. Peace seems to be a pawn in the hands of people who like playing games rather than caring about the people it's affecting. As the eight-year-old you quoted above clearly sees, their hearts are missing.
Thank you for posting these quotes. Each one touched my heart.
Well Street
I really like your illustration, as it makes clear the benefits brought by the dove of peace.
Eisenhower was something else—a former 5-star Army general and a proponent of peace who warned of the growing influence of the military-industrial complex.