Civic Center
New "Cooling Trends" Around the World

As world experiences another brutal heatwave impacting hundreds of millions of people, it’s a good time to wonder what we’re doing to stem the rise in temperature in cities around the world.
In 2015, 195 countries signed the Paris Agreement to curb warming to 1.5 Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit). Although two degrees seems insignificant on the surface, every tenth of a degree upward negatively impacts life on earth and the survivability of countless species. So how are we doing?
In this article you’ll view a video that illustrates how rapidly temperatures have increased over the last few decades and read about cities around the world that are deploying unique cooling strategies to keep people cooler.
If you’re aware of any unique methods your hometown is using to keep temperatures down, please share in our comment section below.
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The worst offenders, gas/oil companies, should have strict pollution reduction goals and face heavy fines when they are off target, and if they keep offending, those individuals at the top should go to jail for not making the company comply. It's time to stop pussyfooting with these criminals.
True. The worst offenders would argue that their sole fiduciary duty is to make a profit for the benefit of their stock holders. Those who expect and enjoy regular increases in their 401k might agree with them. One day they may wake up and realize they, too, are part of the problem.
Well Street
It's mindboggling that concrete jungles, areas with lots of pavement, and few trees and parks (typically low-income and minority neighborhoods) can be 5-20 degrees hotter than those that enjoy shrubs and greenery.
Historically, the poorest neighborhoods always get the short end of the stick. They are also food deserts, high in crime, and have the highest rates of childhood asthma for their notorious proximity to train tracks with idling trains spewing pollution all day long.