Civic Center
Narges Mohammadi Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

On Friday, jailed Iranian human rights activist, Narges Mohammadi, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her incredible activism and courage to end the oppression of Iranian women.
In announcing the award, Berit Reiss-Andersen, the head of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, said Mohammadi’s “brave struggle has come with tremendous personal costs. Altogether, the regime has arrested her 13 times, convicted her five times, and sentenced her to a total of 31 years in prison and 154 lashes.”
In learning of her award, Mohammadi released a statement pledging to “never stop striving for the realization of democracy, freedom and equality.”
Mohammadi knows her work must continue despite being imprisoned. Days before the announcement, a 16-year-old Iranian girl was left in a coma after being confronted on a subway by Iran’s notorious morality police for not wearing a head scarf.
“Surely, the Nobel Peace Prize will make me more resilient, determined, hopeful and enthusiastic on this path, and it will accelerate my pace,” she said in her statement.
Read more in Hartford Courant.
Well Street
What an incredible person she is to put the fight for human rights and justice above her safety and freedom. People like Ms. Mohammadi bring new meaning to courage and bravery.
I hope she can be reunited with her husband and kids and live to see societal progress in her country.