Civic Center
Look Whose Fox Is In Charge Of The Hen House

Putting Kash Patel in charge of the FBI shouldn’t come as news to anyone but those who still kid themselves into thinking that Trump is God’s masculine version of Joan of Arc. His long pre-2016 history of legal cases against him tells a very different story, revealing he’s the real offender, not the victim.
This is why he now needs Patel, a loyalist, who serves up junk conspiracy theories and threatens to round up and punish all those who ever investigated Trump—all while trying to sell green scarves emblazoned with his “K$H” logo. Just what we need heading the FBI.
Kash Patel, as senior aide to Congressman Devin Nunes, fought furiously to stop any investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections. Why would anyone want to quash that investigation? There could only be one reason: it was true.
Project Lakhta, the code name for the hacking and disinformation campaign against Hillary Clinton, was ordered directly by Putin to sabotage her chances of winning and push Trump to victory. We could call this illegal interference by proxy. That is, use another country to do your dirty work so you don’t go down for election tampering as Richard Nixon did.
If Patel is confirmed, genuine justice stands little chance of prevailing in America considering his vow to purge, Putin style, government officials who he and Trump deem disloyal. Read more in AP News.
I hope morality and decency gets the votes and his appointment will be rejected.
Well Street
A recent headline said that many who voted against Trump have stopped paying attention to the news since the election. Their sentiment is easy to understand with news like this from the AP.
I understand ignorance is dangerous, yet I relate to those who avoid the news for self-care and stress management. What's one to do in this situation?