Civic Center
Liberator in Action: Influencer Jesús Morales

It’s always a surprise. They huddle in the early morning waiting for a paid day of work. Each man hopes he’ll be lucky today as he waits in the cold for the next truck to pull up. He prays the driver will roll down his window and tell him to get in.
When the opportunity finally comes, it’s a good day, a blessed day, and while thanking god, he knows he’s in for a hard day of labor. But then something magical happens.
Instead of ending up at a construction sight, the driver of the pickup, Jesús Morales, has taken him and the other workers he’s packed into the truck to Disneyland for a day of fun—all expenses paid.
The workers’ reactions are priceless, and Morales makes sure to capture the surprise and joy from the day’s experience on video, posting hundreds of clips on TikTok.
Morales is one of a kind. He long admired other social media creators who gave donations to those in need and imagined doing his own uplifting social goodness. With that inspiration, he took it up a notch by driving to Home Depot parking lots to bring dignity and joy to day laborers and surprising them with a fully paid day of no-labor, liberation, and fun at the happiest place on earth.
Jesús Morales is a liberator who followed his heart to uplift immigrants and inspire us all. Read more about his story on CNN.
Well Street
What a great story. We've had discussions about the dangers of social media—its impact on developing brains, loneliness, cyberbullying, etc.
Learning about people like Mr. Morales who use TikTok to uplift and bring joy, especially to people who do back-breaking work to scrape by, is refreshing like ice water quenching a desert thirst.
Thank you for sharing.
This story made me so happy. What a great guy—three cheers for you Mr. Morales!!!