Civic Center
Messes happen, but keep on going!

We all get ourselves into messes sometimes. It’s just part of life, plain and simple. But the difference between a man and a boy is how you handle the mess.
If you own up to it, you’re a man. If you don’t, you’re still a boy. If you try and fix it, you’re a man. If you try and hide it, you’re a boy. If you take the heat, you’re a man. If you blame everyone else, you’re a boy. If you face the storm, you’re a man. If you run for cover, you’re a boy.
Messes are here to teach you. They are God lessons to help you become a man… and they will keep coming at you to keep making you an even better man. Get used to it!
Here’s an old poem with a bit of advice, written by Frank L. Stanton:
If you strike a thorn or rose,
Keep a-goin’!
If it hails or if it snows,
Keep a-goin’!
Aint no use to sit and whine
When the fish ain’t on your line;
Bait your hook and keep a-tryin’—
Keep a-goin’!
When the weather kills your crop,
Keep a-goin’!
Though it’s work to reach the top,
Keep a-goin’!
S’pose you’re out of every dime,
Gittin’ broke ain’t any crime;
Tell the world you’re feelin’ prime—
Keep a-goin’!
When it looks like all is up,
Keep a-goin’!
Drain the sweetness from the cup,
Keep a-goin’!
See the wild birds on the wing,
Hear the bells that sweetly ring,
When you feel like surging’, sing—
Keep a goin’!
This poem keeps me a-goin’ when things get messed up. My pledge is to keep a-going’ no matter what blessed messes may come my way.
Present Valley
Thank you for the reminder to be present to what is right in front of me…the simple ordinary things…when my life is a mess.
That seems to be the message about learning to handle what is inevitable! And I just might have the opportunity to become a better person in the process.
I’ll join you in your pledge. I definitely want to keep-a-goin’.
Thank you for this uplifting pledge. It comes at a perfect time as the year comes to an end along with the winter's cold, and I need that extra push to keep on a-goin'! Your message is wise, and the addition of the clever poem is inspirational. I'm on board to join in on this pledge and the poem will be my year-round reminder to keep putting one foot in front of the other no matter what messes land in my lap.
This is a good reminder for men, boys, and all of us that lying, cheating, and pointing your finger at others for your misdeeds is a sign of weakness, not strength. And to keep-a-goin' when the goin' gets tough. There are indeed lessons to behold. Thank you, and I join with you in your pledge.
Serenity Township
Fabulous post! I join your pledge to keep going. I know it’s a cliche but it is always darker before the dawn. And the dawn does come.
Wilsons Grave
Oops. I forgot to respond to all you thoughtful people. I thought about my pledge today after watching Jimmy Carter's funeral. Now there was a man who was fully committed to keep on a-goin'...and look how much he accomplished! One former president spends his days out of office building homes and eradicating Guinea-worm disease. Another does nothing but boast about everything he pretends to have accomplished while disparaging everyone else. This is the human equivalence between light and dark.