Believe in things

Younited Front Pledge

In the movie Miracle on 34th Street, Valentine Davies says, "Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to."

I pledge to keep the faith and live by these words: common sense is always common, but whether or not it's sensible is always a matter of opinion.


I have a little sign in my office that says, "Faith - Beyond what the eyes can see."

I've been a bootstrapper most of my adult life. Working project to project and doing my own work thing, I've relied on faith. It's not always easy, but ultimately, the payoff shows up.

Not only do you have my full support, but I will also join you in that pledge.

Wilsons Grave

Thank you. It looks like a lot of people have lost faith or shun it. Common sense has its place, but faith in my own intuition supersedes it.


Short and sweet, and I agree to take this pledge with you.

Wilsons Grave

Thanks. It really works for me. Just have to keep it in mind constantly.