Civic Center
Something Undeniably True

Lately, I’ve been reading all the featured stories on liberators on Youtropolis News and I always come away feeling uplifted. Not uplifted like the buzz that comes whenever I eat a slice of cherry pie, it’s more like a full body lightness and rightness that comes from being connected to something undeniably “true”—in the boldest sense of the word. So I’ve been chewing on that one, wondering why. What part of me is getting triggered? What exactly is triggering it?
I’m thinking maybe I should get one of those brain scans to see what part of my brain is lighting up. Maybe I’ll post a poll on that crazy idea just to see what you all in my tribe think about that. Or if anyone recognizes what I’m experiencing, do chime in.
In the meantime, I’ll share with you this video that also uplifted me and was fun to watch, where Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood have something to say about love.
Well Street
Thank you for sharing this.
I learned that Trisha and Garth are a couple I'd like to have BBQ with, and they have such a broad and enlightened perspective on love.
I've written about ways to navigate traffic jams in a more relaxed and peaceful state, and I really like their recommended practice of pretending that every driver around you is someone you know.
Wilsons Grave
If that barbecue happens, be sure to invite them into your tribe and mine!
My tribe too!
Present Valley
Thank you for sharing this. I am a huge fan of this couple.
They model so beautifully the act of expanding heart consciousness.
Great post!
Wilsons Grave
Thank you, and I'm sure they'd appreciate your comment, too.
True that cherry pie high is great, but goodness, kindness, and love are even better. Those things can change lives, maybe even change the world. Glad to see Trisha and Garth speaking about it loudly and proudly.
Wilsons Grave
So true everything you said. I agree with it all.
Thanks for posting this. It's one more affirmation that humanity's true north is love. Love radiates and touches us deeply when we're in its presence, even if just through a video or reading a news story.
My bet's on the likelihood that your brain lights up when your heart opens up and fills with the radiance of love. Who cares what part of the brain that is if it makes you feel that good.
Wilsons Grave
That's a good visual and it sounds true. I'll go with that and skip the brain scan.