Call to Action

It has been said that Serenity Township is the most beautiful place on earth with its gentle breezes that flow over the rolling hills and crystal clear streams.
But there's more to the city than that... as up on the hill is a very exclusive University--exclusive in the sense that the entire curriculum is based on one topic and one topic only: the study and pursuit of serenity--that calm state of mind spoken of since ancient times as the wellspring of peace and creativity.
The Faculty suggests--as a starting point--the class: Quieting the Mind: an historical view of techniques used to unburden the mind. It has been found that discordant, annoying and many times repetitive thoughts must be put to rest before tranquility can be attained.
The only prerequisite for admittance to the University is the desire to be there. For those who would like to study at home, the school librarian plans to publish class notes and references on Youtropolis.
As the citizens of the Township say, "Do come right on in...but leave your worries at the doorstep! All are welcome.