Civic Center
Yesterday’s Light

How many of us go through life thinking about yesterday? Having regrets about things we did, shouldn't have done, or could have done differently? We keep kicking ourselves in the butt, remembering. And to what avail? Yesterday will always be just a memory. Why let it affect you today?
Imagine life as a beautiful string of lights; each day that passes another bulb burns out. You can't go back and replace it; all you can do is move forward and look ahead to the next bright bulb lighting your path. Looking backward would only mean seeing darkness.
And so it is with life . . . we can't go back. Rehashing things is a waste of time. We still have a path ahead of us all lit up for our journey.
Start that journey today. Eyes forward.
Yesterday's light is gone, but a new one awaits you today.
Well Street
A great metaphor for not looking backward and worrying about what can't be changed.