Civic Center
Want Different Results? Do Something Different.

Do you find yourself complaining that you’re in a rut? You might be right. Take a look at what you’re doing. Are you living each day in the same old way, not unlike Bill Murray’s character in the film Groundhog Day? If you are, you may be in a slump. Doing the same things day in and day out doesn’t yield different results, only the same old, and stale outcomes. Sure, doing something different can be scary. New things can feel risky, and sometimes daunting. But at least you’re moving. At least you’re allowing new opportunities to knock on your door. You’ll get the chance to meet new people, taste new foods, see new sights, and hear new music.
If you want something new to happen in your life—something that will stir you up—re-charge yourself. Small steps are the way. Don’t set your sights so high, that you set yourself up for failure. Take baby steps. And like a baby, eventually you’ll be walking, then running.
Open your arms and welcome the new. Feel the exciting charge that will lead you to new heights! It’s awesome up there. Give it a go!