Civic Center
Love is a Many Splendored Thing's the grandest, isn't it? Movies, songs, poetry, all talk about love. "It trumps hate," they say, "It conquers all," they say. Perhaps Love does.
But what are we to truly do with love? Do we simply write about it? Talk about it? Watch a movie about it?
Love is tricky. One can say, "I love you," and think they're good. But saying it, writing it, is not enough. Love, in my estimation, is a VERB; it is a doing. Its value is in the action, not the written or said word. While those forms of expression may satisfy temporarily, the action shows you what love truly is.
Love has no borders. It can cross across time and space. It can fly and touch people whom you can't even caress. It is the reaching out far and beyond your circle. One can extend love to family, friends, even to strangers by the mere act of a kind act that helps another human being, or animal.
Love is a many splendored thing. It is beyond words, written or spoken, beyond standing still. Love is movement--a movement worth spreading. Only then can Love trump hate because darkness cannot exist where there is light.
Think about the way you express Love. Do you say it, or do you act it?
Be an actor and be Love. Act it out in as many ways possible. No one act is smaller than the next. All seemingly small acts create The Motherlode.
Instead of telling someone you love them today, show it. Feel it. Share it.
That's the way to conquer all.
Well Street
I've learned the hard way about the harm that can come to a relationship when the acts of love become fewer, and "the foot it taken off the gas."
Love is a many splendored thing, and how great it can be when we direct it toward ourselves as well.
I missed this when is was first posted. It's so beautifully written; I was very moved by your words. Love is indeed a verb. Action is required or the word is meaningless. Great post!