Hurry, Hurry Catch That Thief! (II)


The Stolen Lap Top, Part II

We made our way to the gate, all the while my eyes scanning the airport. A part of me was still hopeful I’d see my laptop in someone’s arms. The part that knew better wondered, how am I going to enjoy my vacation now? I was riddled with guilt and anger. I had to sit down and center myself. Before I could do that, I spoke with Josh and Rubie. They reminded me that it was just a computer. It could be replaced. Their compassion and understanding helped me remember how blessed I was to have such a wonderful support system.

All my reading and studying has taught me that events that happen, are just that, events. It is what we do and how we behave when those events occur that matter. Easy to put into practice when everything is going great, harder when something unexpected and troubling happens.

The guilt and anger were understandable, but I knew I had to let those feelings flow through me and out. I had to release the negative energy they were producing if I wanted to feel peace and enjoy in my vacation. It was time to put into practice everything I’d studied about handling difficult life situations.

First, I reminded myself that there was nothing I could do. Harping on the injustice, being angry, and feeling guilty, was useless. It’s like trying to stop a wave from forming. And isn’t that a common thing we all do? Something bad happens and we spend the whole day resisting it, thinking about it, complaining to friends, all the while the toxic energy is coursing through us, building more and more until we get sick to our stomachs, develop a headache, lose our appetites, eat too much. In reality, what can be done about something for which there is no remedy? We can’t stop the wave, but we can relax and let it take us to shore.

Second, I reminded myself that this was just one life event. If I let it ruin my vacation, take up residence in my soul, what would have been accomplished? Absolutely nothing. The thief was happily thinking, SCORE! But me? I would have ruined my own vacation. The thief took my laptop, but if I’d persisted in feeding my guilt and anger, I would have been robbing myself of inner peace, the tranquility of being at the family farm, the easygoing conversations, learning to bake French bread. Who would have caused the greater damage? How many of us rob ourselves of energy, time, and happiness dwelling on unchangeable events? As for me, as soon as I released the painful emotions, I felt at peace.

Is there something in your life on which you’re dwelling? Some past event that can’t be changed? Or a situation that just is regardless of what you do? Maybe it’s time you stop resisting. Go with the flow. Let the wave of life take you to shore, where you can feel the peace and joy you deserve.


I'm glad Josh and Rubie were so considerate. I'm sure it made it easier for you to find your calm center and enjoy the rest of your vacation.

Thank you for the story. Your point is well-taken that we can do more harm to ourselves than any outside perpetrator. I'm taking this lesson to heart.


I can only imagine how difficult it was for you to let go of such thievery. I don't know how you did it, but it reminds me of an ancient quote: "The greatest of empires is the empire over one's self."

I'm glad you shared this story. Should I find myself in such a situation, I will remember this story and reflect on it for support.

Well Street

I can definitely relate to all the emotions you felt from this experience.

When my car got stolen, I was a pressure cooker ready to blow because of the injustice and violation I felt. If I used your strategy, I'd have potentially spared myself a lot of added stress.