Civic Center
Be the lifeline

Imagine you've been having a great time cruising through life. Suddenly there's a storm; a category 5. This storm knocks you off your feet and turns your life upside down. You're no longer standing on solid ground; instead, you're floating aimlessly, not sure of where you're going or how you'll get there.
If you happened to be on a boat and were accidentally thrown overboard, you'd be tossed a lifesaver by your mates. You'd be able to grab it, hold onto it, and know that now you'd have what you needed to make it out of your darkness; that now you'd have a chance.
However, the chances of you being in the ocean and thrown overboard are slim. The chances, though, of things going wrong, of getting a monkey wrench flung at your life, are a lot more probable. Wouldn't it be wonderful to know that there is a lifeline out there for you? Someone who would cast that "lifesaver" and help you?
What if you were the lifeline for someone else? What if you had the ability to reach out and provide someone that much-needed help?
We all need a lifeline at some point in our lives. We can all be a lifeline at some point in our lives.
Life will throw the wrenches; that's for sure. But while you're cruising along, how can you become a lifeline for someone else? Opportunities abound. The cry for help is out there. If you look closely, you'll see the struggling trying to stay afloat. Is there something you can do?
Don't think lifelines have to be amazing interventions. While those could be great, small acts of kindness can be just as important.Your lifeline can be a call, a visit, a letter, a text, a shoulder, or a response to a Youtropolis poll, wish, or pledge.
Explore in what ways you can become a lifeline for someone. And if you're in need of one yourself, reach out. Remember to always surround yourself with people who love and encourage you to be your best self. They are the best lifelines of all.
Lifelines are so important. The ability to call or text someone who listens and knows what to say is like having my own 911 operator. It's definitely a lifesaver!