Hold On To Joy


It is naturally hard to let go of or give up something that feels good, that helps us tap into our inner joy. We want to hold on to it as long as possible because...well...it makes us happy and its pleasurable. It could be a person, an object, an emotion, an experience or something else.

A recent example for me was not wanting to put away Christmas decorations this year. They were like warm blankets of comfort lying all over my house warming my heart. Looking at the twinkling lights brought a smile to my face and helped me connect with happiness. From Thanksgiving Day to yesterday I was surrounded by my old familiar friends. However, it was time to let them go and get my house organized.

Over the years I cheerfully and purposely created holiday rituals. Time with friends celebrating at my house enjoying the decorations and exchanging not only material gifts but the gift of presence and our shared love. I've made it a point that no matter what was going on in my life, even if it was just for a moment, I would make time to feel the delight of what I was experiencing.

This year when I restored the house to its non-holiday look I noticed the absence of those special, familiar, comforting friends...but not the good feelings they brought out in me.

I have come to understand joy is a state of mind and can be felt when life is peaceful as well as when it is not peaceful. Right now many people are feeling pretty joyless and it can be challenging to remember we have an innate “joy well” to dip into. It is good for our mental health and overall well being because it lifts us up emotionally, provides a reason to smile, and brings a different perspective. We don't have to do anything but sit there, breathe and let it fill us up.

I think we can all use a little joy to hold on to right now.


I have to agree that packing away Christmas is always a little sad. I decided a couple of Christmases ago to leave the mantle lights up year around, and I have to say that when those lights come on, my joy factor increases. They're not Christmas lights, they're joy lights and I love sharing them with my visitors. And I agree that we can all use a little joy these days, so whatever you can do, just do it, and not fear judgement.


Thank you for sharing your story and insights. I agree we can all use some comfort and joy, especially now that bah humbug aka Scrooge is ruling over the land.

For me, simple things can trigger it: looking through a box of cherished photographs, listening to songs from way back when, or even getting kindreds from a tribe member. Beyond that, I keep a handful of Christmas ornaments in view all year round to remind me that no matter what unpleasantness is hovering in the air, Christmas happens every day—not so much from a commercial standpoint of gifts under the tree, but from the knowledge that my life is so divinely blessed.

Wilsons Grave

Thanks for this post. I agree with it 100%!

Well Street

I recently read, "Joy is the happiness that doesn't depend on circumstance."

Your message exemplifies this precisely. Thank you for sharing.