Civic Center
We're So Glad We're Girls

Image caption:
Song and 'girls' are all set for Dyer Street PTA 18-act variety show Thursday and Friday at Dyer Street School auditorium. Curtain time is 7:30 p.m. Show cast will include, from left, Mmes. Eugene Mink, president; James Humphrey and Charles Tuite. The school is in Sylmar.
Photographer: George Brich, Valley Times Photo Collection/Los Angeles Public Library
Photograph dated May 11, 1959
Thanks for posting another fun flash-to-the-past photo. Always a delight!
Really glad you enjoyed my photo.
George Brich
How funny. Two are actually men...and all having a great time. I love how "she's" looking herself in the mirror and so pleased with what she sees. Nice shot captured at the perfect moment!