Santa's Helpers

News Flash

Image caption:
Tarzana Business and Professional Women's Club and the Egremont Mothers Club are combining forces on an 'Operation Christmas Stocking' for crippled children at Rancho del Valle school. Wrapping toys for Sunday's project are Mmes. H. R. Klauser, Egremont Mothers Club, co-chairman; Joseph S. Lo Presti, Egremont Mothers Club president, and Alfred De Renne, Tarzana BPWC, hostess.

Photographer: George Brich, Valley Times Photo Collection/Los Angeles Public Library

Photograph dated November 30, 1959


I love seeing people open packages, but today it's mostly bags. They're nice too, but your photo was a joyful reminder of days gone by. I just love these vintage pics; they always make me smile. Thank you so much for bringing me smiles!


Many thanks for your appreciation of my photo.
George Brich

Well Street

I wonder if the Rancho del Valle school was strictly for disabled children.

At first, I was confused by the ladies' "names", having forgotten this was an era when wives often carried more than their husbands' last names when introduced.


Ah, yes, the "good ol' days" when women belonged to their husbands and did (and still do) all the stuff that makes the world a little kinder, a little more beautiful, and a lot better happier for even those who were once considered the least of us.

I wish people would still wrap pretty packages like these ladies did! So much more elegant but also more time-consuming than stuffing things in bags.