
News Flash

One of my favorite things to do is tour Youtropolis cities and discover the miracle its founder would perform if given the chance. Not only does each miracle open my eyes to the heart of each person, it also reveals something I wasn’t expecting. There’s commonality among all the miracles. It seems we all want others to be happy. The miracles our city founders long for would in one way or another put an end to those things which cause human suffering. This is a holy thing.

Some of us are fully dedicated to marshaling our interior forces and exterior resources to do all that is possible to help people cope and find solace through the unprecedented challenges of our time. Sometimes, our own efforts are not enough. Pursuing the elusive miracle takes something more. But if one believes the bible, everything is doable if two or more are gathered. If there ever was a time to put this promise to a test, it’s now.

Just over two weeks ago, for the first time, the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists moved the hands of the Doomsday Clock to 90 seconds before midnight. In their view, this is the closest we’ve come to a global catastrophe since the hands of the Clock started ticking 75 years ago.

There is a convergence of worrisome, and some say likely, epic disasters looming. We’re still dismissing the runaway global climate crisis, though many of us can no longer enjoy our backyard due to summer heat and unrelenting mosquitos. Newly emergent pandemics are knocking on everyone’s back door. Ukraine continues to fend off threats of a nuclear holocaust with little hope of the conflict ending anytime soon. The saber rattling with China is growing louder, and predictions of a “Tinderbox-Timebomb” market crash worse than 1929 are rattling investors. Now, there are “flying objects” we’re shooting down which so far are unidentified to the public. Where will this lead us?

But I have faith in miracles. I’ve seen them manifest in my own life countless times. The image I posted above is just one example. You may think it’s photoshopped, but the large heart emerged all on its own after a downpour at my home. It won’t change the world, but it left a powerful message that can: love will come from anywhere, it shows up in surprising ways, and restores our faith in the divine. If you’re open to it, nurture it, count on it, and be ready for it.

In solidarity, by giving love and getting love through each other, we generate our inherent power to change the course of our own lives along with the course of history. Isn’t the status quo unsettling enough? Isn’t it time to dedicate ourselves to the miracle we hope for?


Yes it is! The 1965 song lyric, "What the world needs now is love, sweet love," never rang so true. Give love, get love; it will solve a world of problems.


Wise words all the way around—back then and now.

Well Street

You’re right! A miracle doesn’t have to be turning water into wine or raising the dead but can be the mysterious appearance of a heart on your wall or an act of kindness and compassion that serves to uplift.

Such a shift in perspective can be empowering and even inspire us to find opportunities to create miracles (aka—give love, get love).


I hope people take your words to heart.

Present Valley

On Friday morning I was privileged to part of a group of neighbors who "gave love and got love" as we supported her. Her husband had just passed away at home.
While sadness and grief and tears tipped the scales as we held her and each other, love was walking arm and arm to soothe and comfort her as well as each of us. Witnessing another's death is one of those experiences that deeply touches ones own losses.
This profound moment reminded me that opportunities for giving and getting love are everywhere. I think all that is needed is an open heart.


You are so right. So many opportunities to give and receive—if the heart is open and willing.