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Laughing is good

Maybe youre not the funniest person
who ever lived, but here's your chance
to be a real clown and amuse your tribe.

Post jokes, cat videos, clever memes,
humorous cartoons or whatever hits
your funny bone. Everyone can use
some belly laughs these days–and you'll
keep your Municipal Fund growing!
Let's go on a field trip
Tue, 05/14/2024

Let's go on a field trip

Once again, Mother Nature has won my heart with her creations. This time it's a kitten taking its duckling friends on a field trip to the water…

Very unusual fashion consultant
Mon, 04/22/2024

Very unusual fashion consultant

Pony is definitely an unusual fashion consultant. Watch as she hilariously guides Champagne to a high-fashion ensemble…

Cat's surprise on Valentine date night
Wed, 02/14/2024

Cat's surprise on Valentine date night

Never underestimate a cat's shenanigans even on Valentine's Day…

Baby chicks choose a cat over their parents
Tue, 02/13/2024

Baby chicks choose a cat over their parents

These baby chicks decided to go home with the cat. Their parents are perplexed…

A generous friend...
Wed, 01/24/2024

A generous friend...

If we have something we can share, let's follow this bunny's example. It can be as simple as sharing yard tools with a neighbor or the fruit from…

A cat and a rooster take a hike...
Sat, 01/06/2024

A cat and a rooster take a hike...

The cutest cat takes its rooster pal on an adventure. You can tell that they're close friends who adore each other…

Pawing attention
Tue, 07/25/2023
Fri, 09/23/2022

Bread maniac

Bread is a favorite food of many, but this little guy goes crazy for it!…