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Youtropolis Support

Solve an issue

Solve an issue

Before reporting an issue, please see if the issue you're experiencing can be resolved by following the topics below.
If you're having trouble logging in

If you forgot the email address associated with your account, try logging in using your city name:

  • On the home log in page, enter your Youtropolis city name instead of your email address, then enter your password
  • As an option, you can click the "Remember me" checkbox to be directed to your city home page the next time you visit 
  • Click the Sign in button
If you've lost your password

If you have lost your account password, you can request a new password:

  • Go to and click "Already a liberator? Sign in"
  • On the log in page, click "Forgot password?" located beneath the password field
  • Enter your email or Youtropolis city name
  • Click the "I'm not a robot" checkbox and select the images as prompted
  • When the verification checkmark appears, click Send reset request

You will receive email instructions on how to reset your password. If for any reason you do not receive our email, please check your spam folder.  

If you didn't receive the reset password email

Sometimes, emails can wind up in your spam folder, so be sure to check the spam folder of the email account associated with your Youtropolis account.


  • If you don’t recall the email account associated with your Youtropolis account, check the spam folders of your other email accounts
  • If you still don’t find the reset password email, submit the request again
  • Be sure to add to your contacts or email address book