Manage Your City

Youtropolis Support

Manage Your City

Manage Your City

Account Management and Settings
Change your email address

To change your email address:

  • Sign in
  • On desktop and mobile, select Settings under the 3 dot Manage menu
  • On the desktop Settings Account page, enter your new email address into the E-mail address field
  • On the mobile Settings page, tap Account, enter your new email address
  • On both desktop and mobile, scroll to the bottom of the page and click/tap Save
Change your account password

To change your account password:

  • Sign in
  • On desktop and mobile, select Settings under the 3 dot Manage menu
  • On the desktop Settings Account page, enter your new password into the New password field
  • On the mobile Settings page, tap Account, enter your new password into the New Password field
  • Enter your new password into the Confirm Password field
  • Scroll to the bottom of the Settings page and click/tap Save



Change your postal code and country

To change your postal code or country:

  • Sign in
  • On desktop and mobile, select Settings from the 3 dot Manage menu 
  • On the Settings page, click Locale in the Settings menu
  •  Under Location, enter your new postal code in the Postal Code field
  • To change the country, click/tap the Country field, then select the new country from the menu 
  • Scroll to the bottom of the Settings page and click/tap Save 



Change your time zone settings

To change your time zone settings:

  • Sign in
  • On desktop and mobile, select Settings from the 3 dot Manage menu 
  • On the Settings page, click Locale in the Settings menu
  • In the Locale field, click the arrow to open the selector
  • Click the Default Time Zone field
  • Select a new time zone from the menu
  • Click Save 




Manage private message notifications

Whenever you receive a new private message in a conversation, you will automatically receive an email notification. You can choose to opt out of receiving any Private Message notifications, or choose to receive notifications for all Private Messages. You can also opt to receive a notification for a new conversation only.

To choose your preferred setting:

  • Sign in
  • Select Settings under the 3 dot Manage menu 
  • Choose Notifications in the Settings menu
  • Scroll down and select your preferred option for receiving Private Message email notifications. 
  • Click Save at the bottom of the page


Manage new posting notifications

When tribe members post to your Younited Front, you will automatically receive a Daily Summary email in the evening summarizing all the posts you received that day. New posts will also trigger alerts, displaying the number of new alerts received on the bell icon at the top of your city page.

Your post notification settings will also allow you to opt for more immediate notifications so that you can respond quickly to tribe members' activity, such as polls marked "urgent".

To receive immediate notifications for new posts:

  • Sign in
  • Select Settings under the 3 dot Manage menu
  • Choose Notifications in the Settings menu 
  • Check the Post Notification checkbox
  •  Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save

To temporarily stop receiving all post notifications:

  • Sign in
  • Select Settings under the 3 dot Manage menu
  • Choose Notifications
  • Uncheck the Post Notification checkbox
  • Uncheck the Daily Summary checkbox
  •  Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save

If you wish to re-start notifications:

  • Sign in
  • Select Settings under the 3 dot Manage menu
  • Choose Notifications in the Settings menu
  • Check your preferred notification delivery option
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save
Manage comment notifications

When you receive comments on your posts or replies to any comments you've made, you'll automatically be notified. But if you'd rather limit these types of notifications to just replies to your comments alone, you can change the setting as described below. You can also choose to opt out of comment notifications altogether.

The  setting selector for Comment follow-up notifications enables a global setting that applies to all comment and reply notifications. However, you can alter your preference on a post-by-post basis from the post page itself.

If you don’t wish to be notified about comments to your posts: 

  • Sign in
  • Select Settings under the 3 dot Manage menu 
  • Choose Notifications in the Settings menu
  • Under Comment Notifications, uncheck Receive email notifications for comments on your post
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save

To change the notification setting for replies to your comments:

Click the down arrow selector under "Receive comments and replies on posts you responded to"

  • Choose from the these menu options: All commentsNo notifications, or Replies to my comments and posts only depending on your preference
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save
Manage comment notifications on a post-by-post basis

If you do not want to receive comment notifications on a specific post or wish to limit them just to replies to your comments, you can do so by following these steps:

  • From the post notification itself, click the post link in the notification email to navigate to the post page; or go directly to the post page
  • If you are on the post page but not signed in, click log in to respond, which is just beneath the post content
  • If you are signed in, click Add your voice
  • Click Receive comment notifications? to open the options box
  • Select Replies to my comments and posts only
Manage Liberation Action Notifications

If you would like to opt out of receiving Liberation Action email notifications, you can do so either temporarily or permanently by deselecting the Liberation Action checkbox in your settings. Here's how:

  • Select Settings in your city header's 3-dot menu
  • Choose Notifications
  • Scroll down and deselect the Liberation Action checkbox
  • Click Save

Clicking Save will only stop Liberation action email notifications from coming to your inbox. An alert will still show up on your city alerts page. If you would like to resume receiving Liberation Action notifications at any time in the future, follow the steps above, and instead check the Liberation Action checkbox.

Publicity setting

One of the quickest ways to retreat into some privacy is to take your city “off the map” temporarily or for as long as you like by disabling your Publicity setting. In doing so, new posts will not be promoted sitewide, and your city won’t receive tourists through “Visit a random city.” 

Though changing your publicity setting will help you fly under the radar, any posts that were reposted by others may still lead visitors back to your city.

Additionally, previous posts that were tagged and sent to their related universal landmark will still appear in those landmarks unless you first go to the post's edit form and uncheck the universal option.

Once you disable your publicity setting, your city’s original founding announcement will also be unpublished, and tags associated with your tribe and city motto will be retroactively removed from the Heartland until you decide to republicize your city. 

Disabling the publicity setting will also prevent others from joining your tribe. Only those who receive a postcard invitation from you will be able to join. 

Here’s how to change your city’s publicity setting:

  • Choose Profile from the 3 dot Manage menu 
  • Select the Edit profile link
  • On desktop click Promote in the left column menu; on mobile tap the three line menu and select Promote
  • Click/tap No thanks. Don’t reveal my city at this time.
  • Click/tap Save
Banish repeat offenders

If someone has joined your tribe who’s doing more harm than good, you can easily banish them.

Your Tribe management page provides a list of your tribe members and the date they joined your tribe. If you want to banish a tribe member for any reason, follow the steps below. When you banish a tribe member, they lose the privilege of posting into your Younited Front and receiving future tribe notifications from your city. The tribe member won't be notified of their removal.

To banish a tribe member:

  • Sign in
  • Select Tribe & Alliances under the 3 dot Manage menu
  • In the tribe member listing, find the tribe member you want to banish and click Banish
  • Click Banish on the confirmation page to complete the action

To unbanish a former tribe member:

  • Sign in
  • Select Tribe & Alliances under the 3 dot Manage menu
  • Click Banished
  • In the list of banished tribe members, find the member you'd like to unbanish
  • Click the Unbanish link next to their city name
Bowing out of a Trade Alliance

If any member of a Trade Alliance is giving you grief, you can bow out. Just follow the steps below. The founder of the Trade Alliance city will not be notified of your departure, though you will no longer appear in that city’s tribe directory.

To bow out:

  • Sign in
  • Select Tribe & Alliances under the 3 dot Manage menu
  • Click the Trade Alliances tab
  • Scroll down your Trade Alliances listing, find the city you want to leave and click Bow out
  • Click Bow out on the confirmation page to complete the action
Opt out of postcards

If you no longer wish to receive future postcard greetings or invitations to join a tribe, you may opt out by unsubscribing.

To unsubscribe from future postcard mailings:

  • Click the unsubscribe link in the postcard you’ve received
  • Click the opt out button to confirm your decision

You may also opt out by changing your postcard notification setting:

  • Select Settings under the 3 dot Manage menu
  • Choose Notifications in the Settings menu
  • Uncheck the Postcards Notifications box
  • Scroll down the page and click Save
Important things to consider before closing your account

Once we permanently delete your account, you won't have access to any of your city pages or be able to retrieve any of your posted content. This includes, but is not limited to: posts, private messages, bookmarks, post history, and accumulated kindreds within your Municipal Fund.

When we remove your account, your personal content that will remain online includes:

  • your comments and replies to comments posted to other cities 
  • private messages you've sent to others which you will no longer be able to view or access since they will only be accessible to your message recipients

By closing your account, you will no longer receive updates or notifications from other Youtropolis members.

To permanently delete your account, you must first sign in to the account you want to close:

  • Once you're signed in, select Settings from the city header's three-dot menu
  • Select Delete Account
  • When prompted to confirm your decision, click the Delete button.
  • If you are set on deleting the account you're logged into, you can bypass the steps above, and click here to instantly confirm and delete your account.

For audit purposes, Youtropolis may retain archived backups of your personally-identifiable information and User Content for up to one year.