Civic Guidelines

Youtropolis Support

Civic Guidelines

Civic Guidelines

Guiding Principles, rules, and reporting
Read our Guiding Principles
  • Own up to your genius.

Believe that you can be brilliant in any given moment, whether you can fathom it or not. If you own that, watch out world: things you say and do will turn heads. Believe that. And when you’re faced with a challenge, wait for those surprising solutions to spring to mind. That’s genius giving you a heads up. When others call you “genius”, don’t pretend it’s flattery. Use your gift to help others out of a tough spot–or amuse them so they can laugh, too. There’s going to be that ripple effect that even you can’t ignore. Watch for it. Then, if you still don’t believe there's more to you than meets the eye, take heart. It takes time to embrace the truth and liberate every doubt. But keep rising for everyone’s sake.

  • Make the world your shelter.

Build your life in the company of others. That way, you’ll lift others up as you rise up. Stay grounded and keep moving forward, even if you’re not sure where to turn next. Someone will help you. Shake things up. Make some waves. Liberate yourself from walls, glass ceilings, and those who prey on you or imagine you have limits. Proclaim your big dreams. Pursue them unabashed, unapologetic, undaunted. Move mountains, shake trees, pound pavements. Do it for yourself, do it for others. You’ll be glad you did. No matter what, have fun, take some breathers. Then, keep going, give more love, accept more love, and always keep your dignity.

  • Keep the peace.

Claim the higher power of peace, always. It will liberate you when you face troubles. It will keep you out of trouble. Be unshakeable in the presence of bullies: they are part of life. Stand tall, until they stand down. Then, find ways to make peace with yourself, and with others. And when things get out of hand, raise the peace flag again and again. Be a peacemaker in your community, and help pave the way for peace when others can’t do it for themselves. Be sure to create rules for your own peace of mind. Don’t break them. Peace is everything. Peacemakers always rule.

  • Be generous.

Whether you’re rich, poor, or in between, give. Give from your heart, first and foremost: give patience, hope, courage, a comforting hug. Give with intention: offer your undivided attention, a firm handshake, your respect and admiration. Give with purpose: share knowledge, create dialog, offer insights without holding back. Give unconditionally: open doors of opportunity with no strings attached. It will liberate you. Give like you mean it: go the extra mile to share your offering. No matter what you give, it won’t soon be forgotten. So give abundantly: compassion, kind words, smiles, praise, and love. This will be your most important legacy.

  • Create mental magic.

Waste no time on booing yourself or others when things go south. It changes nothing. You owe it to yourself to calm down, quiet your mind, and listen to your inner sage who stands ready to offer you wisdom. If it suggests you take a positive action, follow the advice–even if it doesn’t make perfect sense. There’s magic in it, always. And, in the end, it will lighten your heart, liberate your spirit, and give you the victory. Believe it. So don’t think small, scheme, or plot. Think magic instead. It’s waiting for you. Don’t complain, blame, or diss others. Think inner sage. It has a better plan for you. Always.

  • Trigger new fortunes.

Stand for love instead of leaning left or right. Love is the constant agent of change and companion of new fortunes. Advocate for democracy. Democracy, alone, will unleash prosperity for every member of the human family. And where there’s blight, make things right, by investing in others, by teaching others your own secrets to success. Don’t retaliate in the face of injustice. Liberate the world one person at a time, one action at a time. There’s no time for inciting, fighting, or rioting. Rather, shine a light that leads to growth. Be a power broker wherever you can. If you do that, if everyone does that, new fortunes will rise and flow through communities around the world.

  • Go there.

There’s more in life for everyone, even you. So, whatever calls to you, rise up and go there. You’ll be stronger for the effort. If you fear you’re out of your league, go there anyhow–and be the trailblazer who learns to face the impossible.Take the high road wherever you go, no matter what. And stand up to those who claim you don’t belong. If you’re fearless, you’ll be the one to open the road so others can follow. And if you still imagine there’s more for you, keep going, letting no one hold you back. You know who you’re meant to be. So go forward with heart and determination. Along the way, you’ll get what you’re truly made of.


Read our Rules for Civic Engagement

Civic engagement has always offered societies a foundation for positive growth and success in life. How you interact with others will shape perceptions about the kind of person you are and will either give you the advantages you want, or potentially disadvantage you. 

These four rules are time-tested universally. By using them thoughtfully, you’ll gain the respect, friendship, and trust of other Youtropolis liberators sitewide, and you’ll come out a winner in all that you do. 

Be noble

  • Youtropolis gives you countless opportunities to serve others. When you engage with others by posting, answering a poll, supporting a pledge, or helping out on a wish, be a noble servant.
  • Serving others nobly will teach them to do the same. This means serving with thoughtfulness, kindness, and appreciation for their courage to rise above their challenges. 
  • Serving nobly enables prosperity when no judgments of background, race, gender, or religion are considered. Only then can you build pride and dignity in the hearts and minds of those you serve and uplift them into a brighter future.
  • Serving nobly isn’t easy, but it’s the right thing to do. When others try your patience, give them the benefit of the doubt, take a breath and continue serving nobly. No one is perfect.
  • Being a noble servant is a productive thing to do. Not only does it make you more powerful, it promotes the well-being of others which, in turn, brings a bit more comfort into the world and gives others incentives to serve you.

Be honest

  • Be upstanding in all your civic affairs, and you’ll be outstanding in the eyes of the community. 
  • Be genuine. We live in a global economy that thrives on dishonesty, lack of transparency, and corruption. So act with honor and integrity as if your life depended on it. You can’t force others to change, but you can be a disruptor by doing right by others and helping others do the same. That alone can change the world.
  • Be true to yourself and let others know what’s inside your heart. They’ll like you better than if you try to put on a show. When you show your truest colors–the love deep down that truly moves you–you’ll look a lot brighter, and others will trust and appreciate you more. 
  • Reward others for their integrity. They’re being disrupters, too. Give them a thumbs up by awarding some kindreds or putting in a good word for them. 
  • Keep others honest. If you are being spammed or trolled by anyone, or suspect any fraudulent activities, please contact us.

Be unshakeable

  • Be fiercely unshakeable. If someone makes a comment designed to rattle you or provoke anger, remain true to yourself. You don't need to fight every attempt at ugliness, but you should report it if it breaks our content rules.
  • When responding to another’s ideas, thoughts, or opinions, be a friend first and a critic last. Diversity of opinion is a good teacher, even when you don’t agree. Treating others with respect will earn you respect. It may even teach humility to those you’ve impressed.
  • Never injure others with hateful speech. Make your words purposeful, not vengeful or hateful. If you become the target of hateful speech, please contact us. We will investigate your complaint and take immediate and appropriate action.

Be discerning

  • Don’t jump to conclusions about people. Sometimes it’s the “nicest” people who attempt to manipulate you. If another liberator makes an appeal for funds beyond our Municipal Fund, consider it only if they have first set up a fundraising campaign on a reputable funding site. 
  • Be prudent and never disclose your home or email address to anyone. Instead, get to know others well by interacting through posts, comments, and private messaging. By playing it safe, you’ll avoid unwelcome intrusions into your private space.
  • Always use your intuition to decide if meeting another liberator in person is the right thing to do. If you decide to meet, invite others along, and only meet in well-trafficked, public places.
Rules for posting content

Liberation includes the freedom to experience social interactions and dialog without being victimized by others. We’ve staked a claim on building a cultural safe haven for all of our liberators.

Our goal is to advance the well-being of all Youtropolis community members through social discourse and positive direct actions, which means we must enforce rules that will hold all our liberators to account.

Please follow the rules below. Breaking rules may ultimately result in the permanent suspension of your account.

  • Never bully, shame, humiliate, or attempt to intimidate, stalk, threaten, harass or advocate harassment of any person.
  • Never post any content that promotes hatred, racism, bigotry, misogyny, or advocates harm or violence against any group or individual. 
  • Do not post imagery or video of others without their consent.
  • Do not post any content that contains nudity, pornography, or is sexually exploitive or violent in nature. 
  • Post no links to adult websites.
  • You may not promote false, inaccurate information about others that is intended to mislead, defame, or libel others.
  • You may not promote or instruct others in any form of illegal activity, including making or buying illegal weapons, violating someone’s privacy, engaging in phishing, or that otherwise supports fraudulent activity of any kind.

If you become aware of any person violating our content rules, please contact us.

How to report abuse
  • If you feel a post or comment contains abusive language or images, please let us know. You can easily report the offensive content by clicking the down arrow on the related post or comment and selecting "report this content".
  • If you become aware of any violation of our Content Guidelines, please contact us. We will investigate and determine if a violation of our Terms has occurred, and we will keep your report confidential. All reports will be investigated in order to help us determine the appropriate response or action.
  • When reporting, it would be helpful to give us as many pertinent details as possible of the activity you’re reporting, and please include relevant images. 
  • If you are the target of abuse, you may read more about how to protect yourself here.
Trademark and Copyright Policy

If you believe that any Content on our Services has infringed your copyrights, you can report it by submiting a notice to our copyright agent, pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), with the following information:

  1. a description of the copyrighted work(s) and/or trademark(s) you claim have been infringed;
  2. a URL or description of any location(s) where the claimed infringing material can be found on the Youtropolis platform;
  3. your email address, mailing address and telephone number;
  4. a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
  5. a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the information in your Notice is accurate and that you are authorized to act on the copyright/trademark owner's behalf;
  6. a physical or electronic signature of the person authorized to act on the copyright/trademark owner's behalf.

Please submit your takedown notice to Youtropolis Copyright Agent, 5405 E. Village Road #8234, Long Beach, CA or electronically at You understand and agree that we may provide copies of your takedown notice along with your name and contact information to the alleged infringer.