News Flash

If you live in this state, a new law will require bars and nightclubs offer customers drug test kits to see if their drinks have been spiked.


It's a shame that it's come to this, but since it has, I'm glad bar customers can test their drink and know that its safe... or not...


It really is sad that it's come to this. What a shame and awful commentary on the current state of our society.


The statistic you mentioned is heartbreaking. What does this say about the neanderthal men in our society who feel so entitled? Isn't this the equivalent of clubbing someone over the head and dragging them off to the cave? Don't they get it's bad karma?

As to the "prevention" bill, it won't stop the eager beaver rapists who are out to have "just a little fun", and once a drink has been spiked, how easy will it be for the victim to have a clear enough head to buy one of these tests?

I agree that something should be done, but if I were writing the bill, I would in addition mandate that every employee who sees a drink being spiked/violated report it immediately to the victim and to law enforcement. The fact that bartenders report witnessing these crimes makes me wonder why they don't see a need to report it, take steps to prevent it, and ban the perp from ever setting foot in that bar or any bar again.

Thanks for your great news reports. They are always interesting, informative, and as you say, "news you can use"!


Thank you so much! I really appreciate the comprehensive response. You bring up some excellent points Evangel!