Food insecurity is on the rise

News Flash

Driving around town and volunteering at a local food bank, I’m seeing evidence of an increase in homelessness and food insecurity. One doesn’t have to be homeless to experience food insecurity. There are some that I serve perishable groceries to that work full time, some working seven days a week. Their difficult choice right now is, pay rent or buy food. The limited provisions from the food bank supplement what little food they can buy after necessary basic bills are paid each month.

I’ve never personally experienced such a hardship. And I count my blessings. But that doesn’t mean I should look past those suffering, which i subconsciously did pre-covid.

I encouraged others to look at these social issues, not past them. Be part of a solution, even in a small way. Together, cumulatively, we can make a difference.



Yesterday, a neighbor caught a person taking two oranges from his tree on his ring camera. The homeowner was incensed. The video showed the person dig into one of the oranges immediately while carrying the other orange back to the car driver who waited. This looked like genuine hunger to me.

This was also a genuine opportunity for the homeowner to look at the issue of hunger in our community instead of stew about the uninvited taking of oranges. If so, he might have become a willing part of the solution.


Totally agree and sadly so very many have that same mindset. What’s mine is mine, not to share. Very sad.


It disturbs me when I hear people talking about those who are visiting food banks as being lazy or don't want to work when the opposite is the truth. As you pointed out, some of those that need food are the ones who work a hundred hours a week.

Bless you for helping them and speaking up for them.


Assumptions are made. And the person’s truth is not sought, understood nor validated. 😢