Civic Center
On the eve of becoming an octogenarian

It’s been quite a ride. How it happened so fast is quite astonishing, to say the least. I entered the world as WW2 was coming to an end. It was dubbed the “war to end all wars”. How naive we all were. I have lived through the Korean, Vietnam and Middle Eastern wars, too many to enumerate.
We try to believe that the 50’s were wonderful. That we came together as a nation to love and support each other and the world, as a whole. I think perhaps this was all an illusion.
I spent most of my formative years abroad. My perspective on life and the human race was quite different from what those in the homeland perceived. I knew little or nothing of racism until I was in a high school class in Guatemala with a boy from Mississippi. I was so shocked by his evil vitriol that when I shared it with my Dad,I became aware of how divergent our understanding and view of people of all races, religion; and, later on of sexual orientation. It was a moment where I felt completely out of sync.
I have tried to live a life of love and understanding. I choose not to be judgmental (although sometimes I fail)
I was blessed with the most amazing man who was the father of my two amazing sons. I am the mother (in law) of the sweetest, kindest and loyal wife and mother. The yiayia of two beautiful and super smart, creative grandsons. I am a fierce supporter of women’s rights, LGBTQ and was a lifelong supporter of the Party of Lincoln until it was hijacked by sociopathic Trump.
So, here I am turning 80, and absolutely astounded by the downfall of my America.
I’m on my final voyage. I know not what time I have left before I join those who are waiting for me, but my wish this year is that everyone wakes up and recognizes that we are headed towards the 1930’s. A place you do not want to be; or, to leave to your children, grandchildren or those beyond.
To my friends and family, those whom I am close to and those who have become distant, for different reasons, please know that I have always loved you.
Again, my birthday wish is for love, understanding and peace to all.
Tin Cup
Yes, sometimes when we take off our rose colored glasses, the world changes right in front of us. It is a shame that the lesson on great sadness and annihilation was not heeded and the ugly head of greed and dominance began to rise.
But as long as one has faith and an open heart and willingness to an uphill battle, things can always change for the good.
It's hard to understand the duality within human personalities. On the one hand, you have those who "abide in the Lord," but on the other, they stubbornly hate certain kinds of people and are hooked beyond belief on a man who in every way is the antithesis of the Christian spirit. Go figure.
Our parents who dedicated their lives to serving our country abroad would be called traitors today simply for being part of the "deep state." They are rolling over in their graves.
History is repeating itself, but those who are willing to give up democracy in exchange for a phony Trump theocracy will never see the sad parallels because their news channels won't report on it for fear of losing their patronage and dollars.
My heart ached as I read your article. We thought so highly of our country; now, we worry for it and ourselves. I join in your birthday wish for us all, and pray that our relatives in Heaven who saved us before, join with Universal forces and save us again.
Thanks so much for your post; very moving...
Happy Birthday dear cousin!❤️❤️
Well Street
None of us on our birthdays wants to feel pulled to issue a warning for America to wake up, but I appreciate you writing this moving piece.