Youtropolis Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is effective January 15, 2022

Privacy means different things to different people. Here at Youtropolis, privacy means protection. That’s why we give you extensive control over what you share with others. Because privacy is a right that we value, we do not harvest, sell, or profit from the collection of your personal data. Instead, we collect only the essentials required to support you with the most positive user experience possible, and the safest.

In this Privacy Policy, we use “Youtropolis” to refer to the Youtropolis website and our iOS and Android apps, which we also refer to as our “Services”.

Some things to know up front

If you are just visiting Youtropolis, you can use our search feature to learn more about us. When you join Youtropolis, you’ll establish your “land of opportunity” (commonly known as “city” or “community”) which will require its own unique name that will also be known as your username. As the “founder” of your city, we’ll also ask for your first and last name which by choice may be your real name or pseudonym.

Youtropolis cities are public by default. When you launch your city, a public newsflash announcing the founding of your city and its motto (if added) will be published in Youtropolis Universe News and will be searchable through our city search.

Youtropolis cities reflect how their founders view their world and instigate positive change through liberation actions. To build your empire and reflect a multi-faceted You, you may create more than one city, each with its own unique identity, slogan, and call to action.

This Privacy Policy details the nature of information we collect from you, our reasons for collecting it, how it will be used or shared, and the means by which we protect it. So, let’s start with the basics.

1. What do we collect from you?

2. What information is shared?

3. Information you control

In Youtropolis, freedom rules. That means you are free to share as much or as little about yourself as you like. It also means you can control who sees your stuff and who doesn’t, who you maintain alliances with, and more. Here are the details:

4. Account Management

5. Account Security

Youtropolis stores your information on restricted database servers. We use commercially reasonable technological safeguards to protect any personally-identifiable information we collect about you. For instance, when you input such information, it is encrypted by our secure server software (TLS). We also require a unique password to authenticate your identity and grant you access to your account. However, despite the safeguards we’ve put into force, you understand that we cannot fully guarantee, nor should you expect, that the information you provide to us will always remain secure.

Though we take industry-standard precautions to safeguard your information, please remember that you also play a significant role in protecting your privacy. Any content or comments posted by you to the Website, or shared by you through posting to a third-party website, should never include personal information that you don’t want other users or third parties to view, or that could jeopardize your security. Also, please be sure to sign off after each session to protect against unauthorized access to your account password.

6. Children

Youtropolis does not knowingly or intentionally solicit or collect any information from children under the age of 13. If you are under the age of 13, you are not eligible to use this Website. If you believe that we have collected information from or about a child who is under the age of 13, please contact us at In the event we discover that a child under age 13 has provided us with information, we will delete such information as soon as possible.

7. Privacy Policy updates:

This Privacy Policy is effective January 15, 2022. Youtropolis may update or modify this Privacy Policy from time to time. At such time, we will notify you in accordance with our User Agreement. Your continued use of the Website will be subject to the updated Privacy Policy and will constitute your acceptance of its modifications. It is recommended that you review our Privacy Policy whenever possible to keep in mind the nature of the personally-identifiable information we collect, how we use it, and to whom we disclose it.